Mind Health Pictures

Helping people to make a foundation of peace in their minds, through visual representations of beneficial ideas.
Health Peace Love Happiness

The Logo Explained

This is not a religious website. The image just shows, what I (the artist) believe, are our true underlying goals for everything we do:
                                    health, peace, love & happiness.
Almost all the things we do, all our efforts, all our projects, are simply to experience at least one of these things. Something that increases these things for others is what we generally call a ‘good’ thing, and something that reduces these is what we often call a ‘bad’ thing. Paradoxically we don’t achieve these states by grasping for them too directly, but by helping others to achieve them. Perhaps they are like the butterflies of life that rest upon our shoulder when we stop chasing them. They are all just states of the mind (health is mental and physical), so they are not dependent on external conditions. They are from inside not outside. We don’t need the latest phone, car or luxury item to be happy. We don’t need to worry too much about we look to others, because these things are not inherently connected to health, peace, love and happiness. Those are often only false connections we have made.

Body represents physical health, the glowing head is mental health, the sea is peace, the heart love and the sunshine happiness. Long may we all experience health, peace, love and happiness.

”Love all, serve all, help ever, hurt never” (Sai Baba)

Confucian Repentance: 不二過 No Second Pass
(perhaps meaning to not let it come to pass a second time)
A visual answer to the great question of how we can learn from the past but also be present. How to be careful yet care free. By being clear without excessive thinking (知而無念), & resolving sincerely to do better from now on. You can always make up for a mistake in the last moment by doing better in this moment.

Do your best from NOW on

“Turn your face toward the sun and let the shadows fall behind you.” (Maori Proverb)

Be Clear About What You’re Doing & Do Meaningful Things

awareness + helpfulness, iPad picture, Procreate

This is, in my opinion, a brilliant guiding principle. Many people live in a cage of unnecessary rules and many seem to have far too few guiding principles at all. If you just try to be aware (conscious of what you’re doing) and do meaningful (helpful or productive) things then for some this can make life much more enjoyable and productive.


You promised to do the washing up but an old friend you really like whom you haven’t seen in ages comes round.

Too few rules: You go off with your friend for hours and hours and forget about the washing up.

Too many rules: You tell your friend to go away because you have to do the washing up right now.

Aware + meaningful things: You welcome your friend inside (making people feel valuable is highly meaningful). You check to see if the washing up can be done later. If so, you enjoy being with your friend and when they leave you’re clear that you need to do the washing up.

Here are some more examples:

Too few rules: 

You lounge around in front of the TV all day most days, with no idea what you will watch or what you’re really doing.

You often don’t get the work done you should have done and go out drifting around not doing much useful.

Too many rules:

You would really enjoy watching TV but never do because you see it as a distraction.

You forbid yourself from ever going out and keep yourself at your desk and work.

Aware + doing meaningful things

There are some shows which you really enjoy or which give you lots of knowledge, you know when they’re on, you watch them and then turn off the TV and do other stuff.

You often work well with focus and once you’re finished you go out. When you’re out you do fun or useful things. Sometimes when you’re working you feel like going out for a walk, so you head off to a cafe with your notebook and keep working. When you catch yourself daydreaming for too long you bring your focus back to the work.

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